Image pertama yang di generate SynthesizeAI. yang menarik adalah, file hasil generate ini tersimpan di ---- update 21 Feb 2025 20:16 WIB ---- File image expired, ndak sempat download, saya pikir akan tersimpan selamanya. #nice #SynthesizeAI #microsoft #microsoft-windows
Bernostalgia dengan Opera browser for mobile, ternyata kawan lama ini masih tetap konsisten dengan inovasinya yang tidak pernah surut. Opera browser kini terintegrasi dengan wallet, AI, VPN, ini benar-benar awesome. #nice #opera-mobile-browser
Berdiskusi seru dengan Cardanesia via DM Twitter. Cardanesia adalah stake pool operator Cardano dari Indonesia, dengan ticker (kode pengenal) ADI. Selain menjadi stake pool operator cardano, cardanesia juga menjadi node storage dari iagon. Keren... #blockchain #cardano #cardano-indonesia #cardanesia #ADI #decentralized-storage #iagon #nice
Tips dari Dokter Awet Muda Olahraga adalah: Saat denyut nadi kita (220-Usia)*65% batas bawah (220-Usia)*85% batas atas Misal usia saya 38, (220-38)*65% = 118,3 batas bawah (220-38)*85% = 154,7 batas atas Pertahankan batas bawah hingga batas atas selama 15 menit. #nice #tips-sehat #dokter-awet-muda
Ada banyak kabar massive terkait cardano: 1. Argentina mulai membangun kerjasama dengan IOG; 2. FC Barcelona turut serta dalam proyek cardano; 3. Brave Browser juga mau masuk ke cardano; 4. CEO Ripple meyakini Cardano ETF akan segera diluncurkan (kandidat lainnya yaitu XRP dan Solana), dengan pendahulunya BTC ETF dan ETH ETF Current ADA price : Rp7.332,- (Indodax) Current ADA Mcap : Rp257.936.866.523.059 (Rp257 trilyun;Coingecko) #cardano #brave-browser #barcelona-FC #argentina-goes-to-cardano #nice #ETF-news
Aming hijrah,... pas lagi nonton yutubnya "Login" #aming #nice #LogIndiCloseThedoor #habibjafar
Jadi ingat doa pagi yang dibaca saat morning activity selasa kemarin, bertepatan dengan kedatangan rombongan Kakanwil Jatim II Bu Vita. Jadi doanya salah satunya berbunyi "jauhkanlah kami dari sifat tamak". Saya respect dengan kutipan doa tersebut. Ditulis sambil menikmati kopi kenangan, di kos Amarilis. #Amarilis-kost-n-homestay-madiun #kopi-kenangan #kantor #kpp-pratama-madiun #justwritesomething #madiun-journey #nice
Naik travel, surabaya - madiun. Lagi ngisi solar di toll. Waw... ada SPBU di toll. #madiun-journey #nice
Wow, iagon sudah support web hosting #iagon #iagon-hosting #nice
Post dari Raspberry Pi, Fresh OS, Raspberrypi OS. #raspberrypi #raspberrypi-os #nice
Menengok raspberry pi kembali. Entah karena lama tidak digunakan atau karena sebab lain, muncul warning low voltage saat boot ubuntu. Sudah bisa ke tahap login, namun password salah terus. Akhirnya bikin image baru lagi, lakukan format OS !!. Nyoba download raspberry pi os saja. Untuk bikin imagernya, sudah dimudahkan dengan bundle tools dari raspberry, user bisa melakukan format dan memilih OS dari tools ini. Nice... Dengan tools ini kita tinggal pilih OS yang diinginkan, lalu memilih akan diinstall ke drive mana.
#raspberrypi #nice #raspberrypi-os
Post pertama kali lewat hape dengan klik suggest untuk add Tag. #webkoe #nice #what-a-nice-day #works_like_a_charm #done
Apa itu Inklusi Keuangan? Inklusi keuangan adalah ketersediaan akses pada berbagai lembaga, produk, dan layanan jasa keuangan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kalo bahasanya cardano, bank the unbank people. Ternyata istilah bank unbank adalah misi keuangan yang telah dilakukan negara ini sejak lama. Apa Manfaat Inklusi Keuangan? Dengan terciptanya keuangan yang lebih inklusif, akan memberikan banyak sekali manfaat antara lain sebagai berikut: - Meningkatkan efisiensi ekonomi. - Mendukung stabilitas sistem keuangan. - Mengurangi shadow banking atau irresponsible finance. - Mendukung pendalaman pasar keuangan. - Memberikan potensi pasar baru bagi perbankan. - Mendukung peningkatan Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia. - Berkontribusi positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal dan nasional yang sustain dan berkelanjutan. - Mengurangi kesenjangan (inequality) dan rigiditas low income trap, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang pada akhirnya berujung pada penurunan tingkat kemiskinan. * beberapa sumber diambil dari #nice #cbdc #inklusi-keuangan #cardano
Instalasi point app di lokal, berhasil. Dengan dipandu secara langsung step by step sama darren. Berikutnya nyoba deploy ke pointnetwork nya yang asli, lewat Ynet. #pointnetwork #darren-jensen #nice #blockchain #web3
Play with pointnetwork, katanya sih web3 yang real, maksudnya pointnetwork ini mulai merealisasikan konsep web3 yang selama ini di gaungkan. Lets cekidot! Untuk saat ini masih versi alpha, dan belum support mobile (android/ios). Namun untuk OS besar sudah mendukung, semacam windows, linux dan Mac. Ok, dimulai dengan instalasi point ... - proses instalasinya macam download repo git, namun dengan GUI windows, nice. - Pilihan yang mau diinstall, tidak bisa dicustom. Jadilah instalasi ini meliputi, point browser, extension nya buat firefox, SDK, Node (waw, langsung berpartisipasi sebagai node, WoW) dan uninstallernya. - Sudah mencoba beberapa app demonya, ada Blog, Social, Email, dan Wallet. - Blog, social, dan email bekerja dengan semestinya. Yang menarik adalah email, apakah masih menggunakan protokol IMAP atau sejenisnya? wkwkwkwk... sepertinya tidak perlu. Sempat chit chat langsung sama CEO nya, Serge, lewat telegram: Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM] Hello,... how can i build some app? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM] maybe something like todo.point 🤩 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM] actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM] Hello,... how can i build some app? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM] maybe something like todo.point 🤩 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM] actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM] You can try going through Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM] @jensendarren can help if you hit some roadblocks. But we’re working on a better UI where you won’t have to go through that many steps Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM] Should be up soon Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:53 PM] Mmm... what make point different compare to tor ? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:54 PM] i just feel in tor ecosystem Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:55 PM] They have different use cases. You can run Point Network through Tor for maximum anonymity Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:56 PM] Tor Browser allows you to browse normal websites anonymously, + .onion websites where you still have to run a server somewhere, and users have to trust that server with passwords etc. Point Browser allows you to have websites and dApps on web3, without having to run centralized servers for that Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:58 PM] WoW,... so this is really peer to peer network ? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:59 PM] So,... this is an enhanced version of torrent ? 😱 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:02 PM] In torrents people seed files altruistically. Nobody will serve your cat pictures on decentralized facebook altruistically though. So if you go offline, your content goes offline. Same with things like IPFS On Point Network, your stuff is uploaded to decentralized storage, where a small amount of POINT tokens is taken to the blockchain, and the blockchain keeps paying decentralized storage miners to always have your and everybody else’s content online and uncensored (we use Arweave network for that) Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:04 PM] So,... Arweave network like a pool ? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM] Hello,... how can i build some app? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM] maybe something like todo.point 🤩 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM] actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM] You can try going through Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM] @jensendarren can help if you hit some roadblocks. But we’re working on a better UI where you won’t have to go through that many steps Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM] Should be up soon Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:53 PM] Mmm... what make point different compare to tor ? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:54 PM] i just feel in tor ecosystem Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:55 PM] They have different use cases. You can run Point Network through Tor for maximum anonymity Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:56 PM] Tor Browser allows you to browse normal websites anonymously, + .onion websites where you still have to run a server somewhere, and users have to trust that server with passwords etc. Point Browser allows you to have websites and dApps on web3, without having to run centralized servers for that Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:58 PM] WoW,... so this is really peer to peer network ? Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:59 PM] So,... this is an enhanced version of torrent ? 😱 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:02 PM] In torrents people seed files altruistically. Nobody will serve your cat pictures on decentralized facebook altruistically though. So if you go offline, your content goes offline. Same with things like IPFS On Point Network, your stuff is uploaded to decentralized storage, where a small amount of POINT tokens is taken to the blockchain, and the blockchain keeps paying decentralized storage miners to always have your and everybody else’s content online and uncensored (we use Arweave network for that) Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:04 PM] So,... Arweave network like a pool ? Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:06 PM] [In reply to Luqman Baihaqi] It’s thousands of computers around the world right now that are keeping Point Network’s content online. Even if half the network goes offline or censored and shut down, the other half will continue Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:06 PM] This is only one component that we tie together in Point Network, storage. It has several other parts. I recommend starting from the website and maybe the whitepaper if it’s not too complicated Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:10 PM] [In reply to Serge | I will never DM you first] thanks serge, sorry for my silly question .... ☺️🙏🏽 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:10 PM] Good questions, no worries Bharat, [6/8/2022 11:14 PM] [In reply to Serge | I will never DM you first] I recommend the white paper. Takes a few days and a few readings but once you get that a-ha moment . You realise what this is Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:29 PM] i try to look in depth with this new guy,sir .... Arweave Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:31 PM] i just thinking, why blockchain can't handle storage yet.... 😬 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:32 PM] so this guy, Arweave,... come to point Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:33 PM] It’s not a guy 🙂 Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:34 PM] ✌🏽sorry serge Yzcozy, [6/8/2022 11:34 PM] [In reply to Point Network] Maybe this interview can help with more information @loubatt Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM] [In reply to Yzcozy] yes,... i've been watching it 😬 Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM] we’ve got a similar question here Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM] [ Photo ] Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:36 PM] [ Photo ] Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:36 PM] [In reply to Luqman Baihaqi] exactly the same response., pages 10-11 So, begitulah, ternyata mereka menggunakan storage nya pihak ke tiga, called "Arweave Network". Disebutkan di whitepapernya, dan mereka berpendapat storagenya fully decentralized. #pointnetwork #project #web3 #arweave-network #serge-the-pointnetwork #telegram #nice
{\__/} (●_●) ( >🌮 Want a taco? Ternyata menarik juga....wakwakwak #webkoe #ascii-emoticon #nice
Nyoba API Cardano nya dengan library nodejs nya, blockfrost menyediakan banyak API untuk mengakses info tentang address atau stake cardano account. Build backend mulai dipindahkan ke ubuntu dengan antarmuka WSL windows 11. Maknyuss.... Untuk editor, sempat bermasalah jika sublime mengakses file di ubuntu wsl, jadi saya menngunakan gedit bawaan ubuntu, yang ternyata running smooth di windows, waww. #project #nodejs #cardano #blockfrost_io #wsl #nice #gedit
Nyoba Install Ubuntu di windows 11 dengan WSL. dengan perintah "wsl --install" di powersheel as administrator #windows11 #wsl #ubuntu-on-windows #nice #linux #ubuntu
API crypto yang gak ribet, sangat lengkap, dan gratis contoh API nya: #crypto #crypto-api #nice #coingecko
PT WIR ASIA TBK, menarik untuk dikenal lebih jauh. Mereka sudah IPO dengan kode WIRG, dan disebut sebagai 'Metaverse' Company Originated from Indonesia. #nice #metaverse #pt-wir-asia #WIRG
Sejak chrome desktop update ke versi 100, fetch ajax ke indodax jadi ter-affected CORS policy. Browser memblock akses ke sumber dengan nama berbeda, ke Ternyata bukan cuma webkoe, banyak web yang saya akses gagal load karena tersandung policy baru ini. Saya pikir hanya berlaku pada google chrome, setelah saya coba dengan browser lain, sama. Brave, Edge, dan Opera. Untungnya blok belum berlaku pada chrome android, akses ke webkoe crypto lewat chrome android masih bisa dilakukan, sepertinya hanya menunggu waktu saja untuk chrome android turut mengimplementasikan policy baru CORS nya ini. Oya, saat menginstall brave jadi berkenalan dengan BAT nya. Brave browser build in wallet, yang mana user akan dapat koin BAT pada saat click ads yang mereka sediakan. -- update 6 April 2022 12:45 Saat diakses dari PC kantor, dengan Chrome 100 dan Brave, lancar jaya, tidak ada isu CORS. Tanya kenapa ?? #webkoe #cors-issue #google-chrome #brave-browser #BAT-coin #crypto #nice #tanyakenapa
Sejenak keluar dari dunia crypto yang tak berujung, mari menengok SerenityOS: Building an Operating System from Scratch. Nice !!! Official Daan,... kesan pertama, it is a bunch of build command yang sering jadi mimpi buruk bagi siapa pun yang terbiasa install dengan next next (seperti saya). 💆💆💆💆💆💆💆 #serenity-OS #nice
ASIX token ? Bisa dibeli di token ini membawa nama Mas Anang Hermansyah ke dalam pusaran dunia kripto :) Sepertinya bukan hanya Mas Anang, tapi juga beserta keluarga, masih satu brand dengan Ayam Asix-nya (barangkali). Selamat datang Mas Anang !! --------------------- 24 Maret 2022 --------- Dan selanjutnya ASIX melantai di indodax pada 3 Maret 2022. Hari ini 24 Maret harga per koinnya 13 IDR. #nice #crypto #asix-token #ayam-asix #anang-hermansyah
13.8 — FEBRUARY 2, 2022 Isaac Newton’s life was one long search for God From physics and alchemy to theology and eschatology, Isaac Newton’s research was rooted in a personal pursuit of the Divine. KEY TAKEAWAYS Newton's appetite for learning far transcended what we would nowadays call science. He devoted a larger amount of time to studies in alchemy and theology than physics. Newton saw the Universe as a manifestation of the infinite power of God, and science was a portal into God's mind. Wouldn't science be more appealing if students learned that scientific creativity doesn’t emerge from a vacuum and, instead, that science has deep ties with philosophy and religion? It is hard to think of a name that has been more influential in science than Isaac Newton. Sure, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Darwin, Curie, and [add your favorite here] are all spectacular scientists and deserve the immortality they enjoy. But what makes Newton unique is that his science, as is the case for Darwin’s, is a science we can relate to in our everyday life, as opposed to being either far away in the realm of atoms (quantum physics) or at speeds we are not able to perceive directly (theory of relativity). Isaac Newton formulated the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravity, the laws we use to describe so many of the phenomena we experience, from apples falling and rockets taking off to Mars to the colors of the rainbow. As a bonus, he also invented the reflector telescope that we use to extend our vision into the Universe. And, of course, Newton co-invented calculus, without which there would be no physics or engineering. Isaac Newton the weirdo I remember talking to a friend of mine about my admiration for Newton. He didn’t agree. “Yes, the science is great. But what a weirdo! He had no friends, never married, or even had a relationship. I can’t get excited about the man as you do.” Well, to get excited about Newton’s social eccentricities, you need to go beyond just the science. You need to see the person as a whole. You need to go back to England of the 1660s, when a 23-year-old Newton spent two years at his mom’s farm in Woolsthorpe, hiding from an outbreak of the plague that took hold of Cambridge, where he was studying. (We wrote about that here.) This is when Newton took science by storm and set the roots of mechanics and gravity in motion. And he started to look at other ways of knowing, complementary to his science. Isaac Newton the mystic To focus on Newton’s science in order to understand Newton simply won’t do. His appetite for learning far transcended what we would nowadays call science. He devoted a larger amount of time to studies in alchemy and theology, dealing with arcane questions which ranged from the transmutation of elements to biblical chronology and the nature of the Christian Trinity. Although we correctly learn in schools that Newtonian physics is a model of pure rationality, we would dishonor Newton’s memory if we overlooked the crucial role God plays in his Universe. It may be true that to understand Newton’s scientific achievements we can neglect the more metaphysical side of his personality. But that is only half the story — for Newton saw the Universe as a manifestation of the infinite power of God. It is no exaggeration to say that his life was one long search for God, one long search for communion with the Divine Intelligence, which Newton believed endowed the Universe with the beauty and order manifest in nature. His science was a product of this belief, an expression of his rational mysticism, a bridge between the human and the Divine. We can easily find the influence of alchemy and theology in Newton’s writings. For example, in Book III of The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, the book that explained Newton’s new mechanics and universal gravity to the world, Newton speculates on the generation, decay, and regeneration of cosmic matter. Newton’s lyrical vision of matter’s recycling through stars, planets, and comets blended his mechanical science and alchemical explorations. Gravity, the great unifier, the physical expression of God in the world, orchestrated change and transformation throughout the cosmos: The vapors which arise from the sun, the fixed stars, and the tails of comets, may meet at last with, and fall into, the atmospheres of planets by their gravity, and there be condensed and turned into water and humid spirits; and from thence, by slow heat, pass gradually into the form of salts, and sulphurs, and tinctures, and mud, and clay, and sand, and stones, and coral, and other terrestrial substances. Newton’s description of a constant ebbing and flowing of heavenly matter expresses an organic, alchemical vision of the world. Wandering comets are the messengers responsible for transferring materials from stars to planets, where they undergo the chemical transformations into the substances that support life. Stellar and cometary “vapors” cooked over “slow heat” (a reference to the slow burning of alchemical experiments) generates “terrestrial substances.” Newton’s alchemically inspired vision for a mechanistic Universe suggests that life elsewhere is scientifically possible. The return of spooky action at a distance Something bothered him in his theory, though, the notion of “action-at-a-distance” — namely, that gravity can act through vast distances in a mysterious way, like the Sun attracting the planets (and the planets the Sun). How could that be? Newton didn’t know, and he famously wrote in the Principia that he “feigned no hypothesis.” He knew he couldn’t prove scientifically what he truly believed was going on: God’s influence in the world. But a few years after publishing the Principia, he exchanged letters with a theologian from Oxford, Richard Bentley. And there he opened up: Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact… That gravity should be innate inherent and essential to matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of anything else by and through which their action or force may be conveyed from one another is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws, but whether this agent be material or immaterial is a question I have left to the consideration of my readers. Material or immaterial? Newton left the decision to his readers, but he also placed God in his cosmos as an essential player, a kind of celestial mechanic that ensures the balance of the planets and comets and stars against the constant pulling of gravity. He said so at the end of the Principia, in the General Scholium: This most beautiful system of sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being… Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being necessarily existing. Science as a portal to God’s mind Isaac Newton’s cosmos was a product of divine intelligence and, even more, a stage where this intelligence constantly acts. To Newton, science was a portal to God’s mind, a bridge between humans and the Divine. It is no wonder that the great economist and historian of ideas John Maynard Keynes wrote that “Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians.” Keynes continues: “Why do I call him a magician? Because he looked on the whole universe and all that is in it as a riddle, as a secret which could be read by applying pure thought to certain evidence, certain mystic clues which God had laid about the world to allow a sort of philosopher’s treasure hunt to the esoteric brotherhood.” Newton, a name that represents the quintessential rationalist was, in fact, a rational mystic, who believed that science was akin to a religious practice, a meeting with God’s mind. Now, I ask: Wouldn’t the study of physics from high school onward be much more appealing if students learned that scientific creativity doesn’t emerge from a vacuum and, instead, that science has deep ties with philosophy and religion? Sure, every story is different, but to add these extra dimensions to the narrative humanizes science and makes it more compelling and accessible. The equations are essential. But they don’t maketh the man. © Copyright 2007-2022 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. #nice #isaac-newton #amazingpeople
Saya baru tau kalo di Mandiri sudah ada fitur bisa tarik tunai tanpa kartu ATM, cukup dengan menggunakan handphone yang telah terinstall aplikasi livin (saya pake yang kuning, livin biru sudah di suspend oleh mandiri). Baru lihat-lihat sekilas di livin kuning yang baru, dan belum nyoba langsung ke ATM. Aplikasi livin akan menggenerate token yang berlaku sampe waktu tertentu, di ATM tekan tombol hijau, masukkan nomor handphone lalu token livin. #mandiri #atm-mandiri #mandiri-livin #nice
Abang lagi belajar bikin game, pake platformnya Roblox, Roblox Studio. Sudah lama saya kepikiran ngajari abang koding, cuma belum ketemu dengan cara apa yang paling menarik. Banyak iklan di medsos yang menawarkan kelas koding buat anak-anak, hanya masih belum terlalu tertarik untuk registrasi (karna mahal, wakwakwak). Ternyata ada pendekatan yang lebih menarik, dan nyambung, Roblox Studio. Nice... #aim #roblox #roblox-studio #nice
Aplikasi senyum, anak-anak disini manggil aplikasi surat masuk. Karena di titlenya hanya ada emot :) #suratmasuk #nice #wahyudi
Beli sate, seperti biasa. Baru kali ini saya dititipin warung sama mas-mas penjual satenya. "Titip warung ya mas, saya mau beli gula dulu sebentar". Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya punya warung sendiri. Jadi begini rasanya punya warung sate. #minds #nice #justwritesomething #sate-depan-kantor
Abang aim untuk pertama kalinya bisa mengayuh pedal sepeda tanpa roda bantuan hari sabtu kemarin, berdekatan dengan masuk SD. #aim #nice #sepeda-abang-aim
Suatu malam Imam al-Ghazali pernah bermimpi. Dalam mimpinya, beliau ditanya seseorang, "Apa yang Allah perbuat terhadapmu?" Al-Ghazali menjawab, "Aku dipertemukan di hadapan-Nya, lalu Allah bertanya, 'Amal apa yang akan kau persembahkan untuk-Ku?' Seketika, aku sebut amal-amal baik yang pernah kulakukan. Namun, Allah berkata, 'Aku tidak menerima semua amal (yang kausebutkan) itu. Amal yang Aku terima darimu adalah amal ketika engkau sedang menulis, seekor lalat hinggap di atas penamu untuk meminum tinta. Seketika engkaupun berhenti menulis untuk memberi kesempatan pada lalat untuk minum lantaran rasa kasihmu padanya.' Kemudian, Allah berkata, 'Pergilah kalian (para malaikat) dan bawalah hamba-Ku ini ke dalam surga.'" #nice #kitab-nashaihul-ibad
Utak atik modem indihome kontrakan supaya aplikasi dilaptop bisa diakses dari internet =========================== Modem indihome bisa diakses di ip lokal, atau kalo mau lebih yakin bisa dilihat lewat "ipconfig", biasanya modem induk nangkring di nomor 1. Account defaultnya "Admin" dan password defaultnya "admin". - Aplikasi web laptop berjalan di port 9090 =========================== Case 1 : Mengakses aplikasi laptop di jaringan modem saja - Laptop (server aplikasi) terhubung ke wifi indihome (DHCP) - Handphone (client) terhubung ke wifi indihome (DHCP) Hasil DHCP: - Laptop ip (port 9090 forwarding ke 9090 juga) - HP tidak saya cek result: HP dapat mengakses aplikasi web di laptop dengan lancar tentunya di port alamat Case 2 : Mengakses aplikasi laptop lewat internet - Laptop (server aplikasi) terhubung ke wifi indihome (DHCP) - Handphone (client) terhubung ke GSM Cari tau berapa ip public modem indihome saat itu, tinggal ketik di pencarian google "what is my ip". Setelah ketemu ip modem indihome, berikutnya tinggal akses ip tersebut lewat HP yang terhubung ke GSM Result: HP dapat mengakses aplikasi web di laptop dengan lancar tentunya di port alamat Case 3 : Mengakses aplikasi laptop (static IP) di jaringan modem Laptop terhubung ke modem dengan cara DHCP, artinya IP yang diberikan ke laptop random. Ini akan bermasalah saat port forwarding, karena port forwarding menggunakan ip static/tetap. Saya ingin laptop selalu berIP (misalnya). Pemberian static IP bisa dilakukan dengan mendaftarkan Mac Address laptop ke modem, cara ini memungkinkan laptop selalu didaftarkan modem dengan IP yang static, misal tadi. Result: Saya coba putuskan laptop dari wifi modem, lalu nyalakan lagi, setelah saya cek dengan ipconfig, IP laptop didaftarkan dengan ip yang saya inginkan, yakni ip Case 4 : Mengakses aplikasi laptop di jaringan internet IP public yang dimiliki modem indihome salalu berubah ketika kita nyala/matikan. Saat kita berada di jaringan modem indihome, mudah bagi kita untuk mengetahui ip public yang sedang kita gunakan. Bagaimana ketika kita ingin mengaksesnya dari luar jaringan modem indihome? Ada salah satu solusi untuk hal ini, yakni dengan mendaftarkan nomor indihome kita ke, situs ini memungkinkan kita untuk tahu berapa ip public yang sedang digunakan oleh modem indihome kita walaupun tidak berada didalam jaringan modem indihome. Result: Tanpa harus tahu berapa ip public modem indihome, saya bisa akses aplikasi web di laptop dengan alamat #indihome #webkoe #aplikasi #nice #port-forwarding-indihome #modem-indihome #ip-dynamic
Why is Indonesia such a terrible and dangerous country? Indonesia, terrible and dangerous? Let me give you an outsider perspective about this awesome country. I'm an Indian, who lives in Malaysia but has great privilege of traveling S. E. A. and I stay in Indonesia for an average of 7 to 10 days a month. Indonesia is awesome: group of 16,000+ islands calling it a country!!! How fantastic is that. We in India speak unity in diversity and take pride in saying that we have a different language, food, pretty much everything change every 200km; come to Indonesia and see her. Every time I come here, my love towards this country is growing. She grows on you. She's messy, but there's magic in her madness : This country has the worst of traffic, but I see her improving her infrastructure every time I come. The airport is getting renovated and built. Roads, bridges, she's on fire. Give this country a few more years. Business sentiment and start up eco system : I can speak in length about this as my job is closely related to funding startups. Venture capital funds are chasing Indonesian start ups. Most active region for VCs and PE I'm APAC is now Indonesia. This country is now what India was around 10 years back in startup ecosystem . Uber? She has Go-jek, Traveloka, tokopedia and many more: I've met and visited most of these world class start ups from Indonesia. The sentiment here for chasing BIG dream is high. Malls: The Malls in Indonesia has to be seen to believe. They ooze with luxury and size is mammoth. These malls can give any shopping space in APAC a run for its money. Come and see them for real. Food: divine. I can write into pages about the diverse food options here. Try the Ox tail soup next. Disturbingly humble: people in Indonesia will make you totally uncomfortable with their humbleness. One Just wonder how can people be this humble. They really give you respect and the hospitality is seen to be believed. They may not speak fluent English, but they try their level best to communicate and convey what they need to. Ladies: now, this point is debatable like beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, kind. But, men here is lucky, bloody lucky. This country is blessed with some of the most beautiful ladies I have ever met. I tried Tinder a few times and I did wonder, for what reasons will I unlike a lady, I've never been this confused ever. This country is the largest Islamic population in the world but it's tolerance levels are very high. That doesn't mean it isn't having its trouble with religious extremism, but it handles it definitely better, at least for now. Party scene: so, you have been to Bangkok, and other widely popular party destinations, then you haven't seen the best party yet. Come to Jakarta!!!! My friends from Jakarta know what I mean…. I can go one and on. I'm not a fan boy of this country, but I do like this place. It has genuinity. They know they are a developing country and we can see the efforts they are putting in to make their country better. “Terrible”, “dangerous”, etc. are strong words. She's not perfect, so isn't my country as well as yours. Life is too short for hatred. Peace Bro. #quora #nice #copas
In November 2015, a rumor began circulating on social media that when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away at age 56 in 2011, he delivered a speech or left behind a deathbed essay about the meaning of life. One of the earliest iterations of this rumor we’ve found was published on under the title “DID YOU KNOW WHAT WERE THE LAST WORDS OF STEVE JOBS?”: “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. In the darkness, I look at the green lights from the life supporting machines and hear the humming mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of god of death drawing closer … Now I know, when we have accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, we should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth … Should be something that is more important: Perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps a dream from younger days Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me. God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth. The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love. That’s the true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on. Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands. What is the most expensive bed in the world? Sick bed … You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost — Life. When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading — Book of Healthy Life. Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.” copy from #steve-jobs #copas
Cara Mandi Rasulullah SAW Yang diajarkan oleh Baginda. 1. Bermula dari segayung siram di telapak kaki 2. Segayung di betis 3. Segayung di paha 4. Segayung di perut 5. Segayung di bahu 6. Berhentilah sejenak 5-10 saat/detik. ●Kita akan merasakan seperti uap/angin yang keluar dari ubun-ubun bahkan meremang, setelah itu lanjutkan dengan mandi seperti biasa. ●Hikmahnya: Seperti pada gelas yang diisi air panas kemudian kita isi dengan air sejuk. Apa yang terjadi? Gelas akan retak !!! ●Jika tubuh kita.... apa yang retak? Suhu tubuh kita cenderung panas dan air itu sejuk, maka yang terjadi jika kita mandi langsung menyiram pada badan atau kepala, angin yang harusnya keluar jadi terperangkap atau kadang membawa maut karena pecahnya pembuluh darah. ●Maka sebab itu kita sering menjumpai orang jatuh di bilik mandi tiba-tiba kena 'stroke'. Boleh jadi kita sering masuk angin karena cara mandi kita yang salah. Boleh jadi kita sering migrain karena cara mandi yang salah. ●Cara mandi ini baik bagi semua umur terutama yang mempunyai sakit diabetes, darah tinggi, kolesterol dan migrain/sakit kepala sebelah. Insya Allah dpt ber angsur sembuh... { Silahkan share ilmu untuk manfaat bersama dan ganjarannya akan ttp mengalir bg siapaun yg mngajarkan cara mandi Rosulullah :')#nice #copas
Bismillah... Seorang Profesor di Jepang melakukan Riset yang Mengejutkan... . 1. *Maag* bukan hanya diakibatkan karena kesalahan pola makan, tapi justru lebih didominasi karena *stress* 2. *Hypertensi* bukan hanya diakibatkan oleh terlalu banyak konsumsi makanan yang asin, tapi lebih dominan karena kesalahan dalam me manage *emosi*. 3. *Kolesterol* bukan hanya diakibatkan oleh makanan berlemak, tapi rasa *malas berlebih* yang lebih dominan menimbun lemak. 4. *Asthma* bukan hanya karena terganggunya suplai oksigen ke paru-paru, tapi sering merasa *sedih* yang membuat kerja paru-paru tidak stabil. 5. *Diabetes* bukan hanya karena terlalu banyak konsumsi glucousa, tapi sikap *egois dan keras kepala* yang mengganggu fungsi pankreas. 6. Penyakit *liver* bukan hanya karena kesalahan pola tidur, tapi sifat *Suudzon* kepada orang lain yang justru merusak hati kita. 7. *Jantung koroner* bukan hanya diakibatkan oleh sumbatan pada aliran darah ke jantung, tapi *Jarang Sedekah* membuat jantung kita kurang merasakan ketenangan, sehingga detaknya tidak stabil. Faktor penyebab penyakit adalah karena masalah- : *Spiritual* 50%- *Psikis* 25%- *Sosial* 15%- *Fisik* 10% Jadi kalau kita ingin selalu sehat, perbaiki: *Diri kita,* *Pikiran kita,* terutama hati kita dari segala jenis penyakit hati : *hasad, hasud, iri, dengki, pendendam, fitnah, ghibah, riya, ujub, benci, amarah terpendam, sombong, pelit, su'udzon, egois, keras kepala, sedih, malas, dan lainnya*. Perbanyak *istighfar dan mudah memaafkan.* Lembutkan hati dan ikhlas kan yang sudah terjadi. Banyak *bersyukur dan nikmati kebahagiaan sekecil apapun.* Jalin persaudaraan yang mengajak dan selalu mengingatkan dalam kebaikan. Serap ilmu dari arah mana saja. Dari kawan maupun lawan. Karena seringkali ada hikmah tersembunyi dari kejadian yang menimpa orang-orang di sekitar kita. SEMOGA BERMANFAAT Dr. Dicky MSc MPH #copas #nice
*Mencium Anak, Sunnah Nabi SAW* “Perbanyaklah kamu mencium anak cucumu karena imbalan dari setiap ciuman adalah surga.” (HR. Bukhari)" *4 Anggota Tubuh Anak Yang Perlu Dicium Orangtua Setiap Hari* Mari lahirkan rasa kasih dalam diri anak-anak melalui sifat orang tua yang penyayang. Berikut ini adalah saran kami sebagai psikolog Islam yang sebaiknya diamalkan setiap hari terhadap anak-anak. *CIUMAN KASIH SAYANG* 1. *Di ubun-ubun*, menunjukkan kebanggaan orangtua terhadap anak sambil didoakan agar menjadi anak soleh/sholehah, aamiin. 2. *Di dahi*, menandakan orangtua redha atas keberadaan anak. Rasulullah s.a.w mencium Fatimah radiallahu anha di dahinya. 3. Di *kedua pipi* sambil mengucap masya Allah, sebagai tanda _syauq_ (perasaan sayang dan rindu) orangtua terhadap anak. 4. *Di tangan anak*, tanda _mawaddah wa hubb_ (kasih sayang) sambil mengucap _barakallah_, sebagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w juga selalu mencium tangan putri tercinta : Fatimah r.a. *SENTUHAN SAYANG* 1. *Menggosok belakang kepala anak*, sebagai tanda kasih sayang dan perlindungan. 2. *Menggosok atas kepala atau ubun-ubun*, menunjukkan kebanggaan orangtua terhadap anak. 3. *Mengusap dahi*, sebagai tanda _syauq_ (perasaan sayang dan rindu) terhadap anak. 4. *Kedua pipi*, juga tanda _mawaddah wa hubb_ (kasih sayang) 5. *Memegang kedua tangan*, untuk menenangkan anak ketika perasaannya tampak kacau atau bingung. *Perhatian* : Usaplah dada anak sambil istighfar saat ia menunjukkan kecenderungan berbuat salah atau sedang marah, untuk menenangkannya. Lakukan tindakan mawaddah warohmah ini diiringi kalimat2 thoyyibah. *SUDAH KAH KITA CIUM ANANDA HARI INI?* #insaALLAH niat amal dan sampaikan 😍😘😚#nice #copas
Renungan kecil kehidupan (copas) Suatu hari, Kahlil Gibran bertanya kepada gurunya: "Bagaimana *caranya* agar kita mendapatkan sesuatu yang *paling sempurna dalam hidup?"* Sang Guru menjawab: "Berjalanlah lurus di taman bunga, lalu petiklah bunga yang paling indah menurutmu dan *jangan pernah kembali ke belakang*" Setelah berjalan dan sampai di ujung taman, Kahlil Gibran kembali dengan tangan hampa, lalu Sang Guru bertanya: "Mengapa kamu tidak mendapatkan bunga satu pun?" Gibran: *"Sebenarnya tadi aku sudah menemukannya*tapi aku tidak memetiknya, karena *aku pikir mungkin yang di depan pasti ada yang lebih indah* Namun ketika aku sudah sampai di ujung, aku *baru sadar* bahwa yang aku lihat tadi adalah yang TERINDAH, dan aku pun tak bisa kembali ke belakang lagi ..!" Sambil tersenyum, Sang Guru berkata: "Ya, *itulah hidup .. semakin kita mencari kesempurnaan, semakin pula kita tak akan pernah mendapatkannya*, karena sejatinya kesempurnaan yang *hakiki tidak pernah ada*, yang ada hanyalah *keikhlasan hati kita utk menerima kekurangan* .." Bila *tak bisa memberi, jangan mengambil*. Bila *mengasihi terlalu sulit, jangan membenci*. Bila *tak mampu menghibur orang, jangan membuatnya sedih*. Bila *tak mungkin meringankan beban orang lain, jangan mempersulit/memberatkannya* Bila *tak sanggup memuji, jangan menghujat*. Bila *tak bisa menghargai, jangan menghina*. *JANGAN MENCARI KESEMPURNAAN*, tapi *sempurnakanlah apa yg telah ada pada kita*. Pagi sobat semua...... copas dari group wa kantor#nice #kahlil-gibran
*SEDEKAH KREATIF* 🍚🍗🍤🍖 Siapkan nasi bungkus dari rumah. Berikan ke orang yang kira2 membutuhkan seperti pedagang kecil, pengemis, orang gila, pengamen, anak terlantar dll. Nggak usah banyak2 misal 1 bungkus setiap harinya. 🚿🛁🛀 Laundry/cucikan Mukena secara berkala musholla yg ada di sekitar lingkungan kita. 👘👰👘 Berkala beli Mukena baru, misal 3 bln sekali. Malu dong sama Allah pake itu-itu melulu, yang lama disedekahkan. 🎁🎁🎁 Bawa Mukena ketika akan berpergian. Tinggalkan di masjid/ musholla yg kita singgahi. 👚👕👔 Beli kamper/pengharum baju. Taruh di kumpulan mukena di masjid/musholla yg kita singgahi 🎁🎁🎁 Bungkus perlengkapan shalat (Mukena, sarung, sajadah, kopiah, Al Qur'an jadikan parcel ketika lebaran. Berikan ke satpam komplek atau tukang kebersihan komplek atau office boy dikantor. InsyaAllah pahalanya mengalir. 👟👞👡 Beli beberapa pasang sandal cepit, taruh di kantor, musholla atau masjid untuk digunakan ketika berwudhu. 🚿🛁🚿 Beli perlengkapan untuk membersihkan toilet, juga pengharum ruangan, dan berikan secara berkala ke masjid2. 👳👦👳 Bagi yang shalat Jum'at, datang 15 menit lebih awal. Bantu bersih2 dan beres2. 🍶🍼🍶 Kumpulkan botol minuman plastik/botol bekas shampoo dll, setelah banyak berikan ke pemulung. 🍸🍹🍷 Kalau beli minum dalam kemasan, kalau ada sisa bawa pulang. Airnya bisa disedekahkan untuk tanaman (sedekah alam), dan wadahnya dikumpulkan, kl sdh banyak dikasihkan pemulung.. 🐦🐧🐦🐧 Beli beberapa burung yang murah saja, lepaskan ke alam bebas. 🐯🐯🐯 Beli makanan kucing siap saji dlm toples, taruh di tas. Ketika di jalan ketemu kucing liar, berikan. 🍶🍼🍶 Beli barang diskonan di supermarket agak banyak. Misal detergent, minyak goreng, sabun, buku tulis, pulpen kemudian bungkus cantik hadiahkan ke panti asuhan atau rumah singgah. 🙅🙅🙅 Jangan nawar ke pedagang kecil, kalo bisa justru kasih lebih. 📎📰🔧Beli tissue atau keperluan yg sederhana di pedagang kecil yg kita jumpai, misal tissue 2000 rupiah, ikat rambut atau peniti sudah cukup bikin mereka senang. 🍟🍤🍛🍧 Ketika makan di kaki lima ada pengemis atau anak terlantar, beliin mereka seporsi seperti yg kita makan.. 🍰🎂🍫🍞 Siapa yg suka jualan makanan kecil di kantor? Gratisin buat yg buka puasa. Kebayangkan gorengan 2000 bisa bikin kita masuk surga. In syaa Allah. 🍰🎂🍫🍞 Ada pembangunan masjid? Bisa bikin gorengan? Berikan beberapa ke pekerja. 🙋🙋🙋 Selalu siap jika dimintai tolong tenaga, jika sedekah materi belum bisa kita lakukan. 🚕🚋🚍💴 Bayarlah lebih ketika naik angkot yang supirnya kakek2 atau bapak tua. 💴💰💷 Kasih tips lebih buat ibu/abang ojek online kalo kira2 jaraknya jauh dan juga kondisi mereka yg kira2 memprihatinkan (tua misalnya). 💴🚍🚖 Ketika di bis/ angkot. Bayarin nenek-kakek yg keliatan kurang mampu atau suami istri yg buta. 🍷🍹🍸 Pas bulan Ramadan. Diperkirakan buka puasa diperjalanan. Angkot, bis, kereta, busway etc. Siapkan beberapa air mineral (gelas) pas adzan bagi2. Kebayang beli 5000 aja udah dapat 10, Kita dapat 10 pahala beri minuman orang berbuka. In sya Allah. ✈🚗🚙🚀 Tawarkan temen kita yang searah, Jika kita bawa kendaraan. 🏰🏩🏰 Pada saat di perjalanan bersama keluarga mampir di toilet masjid biasakan anak laki2 diberi tugas bersihin toilet dan tempat wudhu. 🚲🐥🐸🚀 Rutin mensortir mainan anak2! kita. Buy 1 give 1. Ketika beli mainan baru harus ada 1 mainan yang disedekahkan ke temannya atau panti asuhan. 📝📄📃 Share status ini semoga jadi salah satu timbangan amal jariyah kita nanti. Aamiin YRA.. Semoga menginspirasi 💪😉😇 Mulai dari hal yg terlihat sepele, mulai dari diri sendiri, mulai dari sekarang.. Perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang2 yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbuhkan tujuh bulir, pada tiap2 bulir seratus biji. Allah melipat gandakan (ganjaran) bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Allah Maha Luas (karunia-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui. [QS. AL BAQARAH 2:261] Buat yang sudah nge-share saya ucapkan Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran Wa Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza. Kebayang satu orang di antara kita menjalankan ini setiap harinya berapa banyak masalah sosial bisa teratasi ... plus pahala yang bisa kita raih .. aamiin .. 😊Kelihatannya mudah, buat saya ini sulit sekali... #nice
Assalaamualikum Luqma, Alhamdulilah – “Praises and thanks be to only Allah” is a phrase that all Muslims of all ages are familiar with. It is our way of showing gratitude to Allah (ta’ala). Some of us respond with this phrase when someone thanks us, to show that all thanks indeed belong to our Creator and not us. Alhamdulillah is a phrase of gratitude to Allah (ta’ala), and the people of Alhamdulillah are the people who thank Allah (ta’ala) in every season and every condition of their lives. Read on to learn more :) Your Brother, Bilal Memon Founder & CEO#nice #quran-academy
WHEELS by Steve moakler [Verse 1] Wheels Start off pushing you on forward and you don’t have a say in where you’re going Wheels Racing Matchbox on the floor Crash and burn but everybody’s okay and Then you get a 10 speed at the store And they’re popping off the curb before you know it Those wheels Countin’ down ‘til you're 16 So you can finally get your own set [Chorus] But they don’t slow down The speed picks up You start wishing you were young as soon as you grow up And the farther you roll The faster they spin They drive you away and bring you home again I swear sometimes it feels Like life’s just a set of wheels [Verse 2] Wheels Roll your suitcase down the hall Heading home ‘cause Mom says he ain’t got much more time Two hands ticking on the wall Keeping track of days and years and years and time Like wheels And now they’re spinning in your head ‘Bout what you’re gonna do with what you’ve got left [Chorus] ‘Cause they don’t slow down The speed picks up You start wishing you were young as soon as you grow up And the farther you roll The faster they spin They drive you away and bring you home again I swear sometimes it feels Like life’s just a set of wheels [Bridge] Burnin’ out in the driveway ‘Cause you’re angry as hell Cryin’ just for a little Hoping nobody can tell You wanna go back And try to slow ‘em down But it all keeps spinning round and round like wheels [Chorus} But they don’t slow down The speed picks up You start wishing you were young as soon as you grow up And the farther you roll The faster they spin They drive you away and bring you home again I swear sometimes it feels Like nothin’ can stop these wheels [Outro} Mhm Life’s just a set of wheels taken from #listen #steve-moakler
If you were 20 years old again, what would you do differently? - I would not date anyone. It was a total waste of time. - Work on getting better at skills important to sustain in life and become successful. - I'd excercise and work out to feel more healthy. - I'd not try cigarettes. - I'd be more organised. - I'd start saving money. - I'd be nice to each and every person and keep my ego aside. - I’d start reading books and improve how I write. - I'd learn how to cook and eat healthy. All of the above are things I realised now when I'm 25. I know it's not been long since I was 20 but I always feel like I wasted so much of my time.#nice #quora
Mulai berkenalan dengan bitcoin, setelah tadi pas dijalan ke soto cak hari liat poster dibelakang mobil tertulis bitcoin. Sebenarnya bitcoin sudah saya dengar secara lebih serius saat diklat di mega anggrek beberapa minggu yang lalu, ada salah satu pemateri waktu itu menyinggung masalah bitcoin yang menjadi tesisnya. Perkenalan hari ini diawali dengan membuat akun di, sekedar membuat saja, belum ada transaksi uang. Dapat informasi dari hakim, sebaiknya jangan menyimpan akun secara online. Istilah miner juga baru saya dengar hari ini, diibaratkan emas, bitcoin juga ada penambangnya. Menambang memang bukan pekerjaan mudah, begitu juga dengan miner bitcoin, dari hasil googling yang saya pahami, miner bitcoin harus memiliki kemampuan matematika dan perhitungan komputer yang mumpuni. Investasi bitcoin bisa dibilang menggiurkan, dari tren periode maret 2016 ke maret 2017, harga 1 bitcoin tumbuh hingga lebih dari 100%. Posisi harga 1 bitcoin hari ini mencapai 13 juta an rupiah. #bitcoin #nice #crypto
{ $text: {$search: "\"BANJARMASIN\" \"2015\" -BANJARNEGARA BJM", $caseSensitive: false} } Keterangan: - Sebelum melakukan query diatas, field yang akan diquery harus diindex dulu dengan mengubah type ke TEXT. Misal dalam contoh ini adalah ketiga kolom seperti disebutkan diatas. - Query text search tidak mencantumkan nama kolom sama sekali sebagaimana contoh diatas. - Agar hasil query HARUS mengandung kata tertentu, apit dengan \" \". - Agar hasil query TIDAK BOLEH mengandung kata tertentu, awali dengan negasi (-). - Agar hasil query SEBAIKNYA mengandung kata tertentu, gunakan string biasa, contoh diatas BJM.. #mongodb #nice
net use z: \\\Share /p:yes Keterangan: z: => drive yang mau didaftarkan \\\Share => folder sharing /p:yes => agar command berikutnya langsung kenal Lantas apa manfaatnya ? banyak manfaatnya, diantaranya menurunkan kolesterol (hehe...) Ya, kolesterol berkurang karena pekerjaan jadi semakin mudah. Dengan file sharing seakan-akan drive lokal, bisa dilakukan banyak otomasi dan evaluasi laiknya lokal. Misalnya otomasi dengan python dan evaluasi dengan git.#tips #commandLine #windows #nice
How does the prospect of sitting in jail for six months affect you? First of all--six months. While it's not as long as some other sentences, it's still a long time. And that's six months of me being surrounded by people that did these actual crimes, did bad things to other people, to humanity. And I'm surrounding myself with these people that are lower than myself. Not to sound arrogant, but they lack morals, and it would be degrading to my character . . . and I'm worried.#jonathan_james #nice #minds
Git benar-benar mantap ! Saya bisa berpindah versi dengan leluasa. Dan Works like a charm .... 😱😱😱 #git #nice #works_like_a_charm
اَفَمَنۡ زُیِّنَ لَہٗ سُوۡٓءُ عَمَلِہٖ فَرَاٰہُ حَسَنًا ؕ فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ یُضِلُّ مَنۡ یَّشَآءُ وَ یَہۡدِیۡ مَنۡ یَّشَآءُ ۫ۖ فَلَا تَذۡہَبۡ نَفۡسُکَ عَلَیۡہِمۡ حَسَرٰتٍ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰہَ عَلِیۡمٌۢ بِمَا یَصۡنَعُوۡنَ ﴿۸﴾ Maka apakah orang yang dijadikan (syaitan) menganggap baik pekerjaannya yang buruk lalu dia meyakini pekerjaan itu baik, (sama dengan orang yang tidak ditipu oleh syaitan)? Maka sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan menunjuki siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya; maka janganlah dirimu binasa karena kesedihan terhadap mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat. (Al Fatir/35 ayat 8) #quran #nice #makemeamaze
یٰۤاَیُّہَا النَّاسُ اِنَّ وَعۡدَ اللّٰہِ حَقٌّ فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّکُمُ الۡحَیٰوۃُ الدُّنۡیَا ٝ وَ لَا یَغُرَّنَّکُمۡ بِاللّٰہِ الۡغَرُوۡرُ ﴿۵﴾ Hai manusia, sesungguhnya janji Allah adalah benar, maka sekali-kali janganlah kehidupan dunia memperdayakan kamu dan sekali-kali janganlah syaitan yang pandai menipu, memperdayakan kamu tentang Allah. (Al Fatir/35 ayat 5) #quran #nice
یٰۤاَیُّہَا النَّاسُ اِنَّ وَعۡدَ اللّٰہِ حَقٌّ فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّکُمُ الۡحَیٰوۃُ الدُّنۡیَا ٝ وَ لَا یَغُرَّنَّکُمۡ بِاللّٰہِ الۡغَرُوۡرُ ﴿۵﴾ Hai manusia, sesungguhnya janji Allah adalah benar, maka sekali-kali janganlah kehidupan dunia memperdayakan kamu dan sekali-kali janganlah syaitan yang pandai menipu, memperdayakan kamu tentang Allah.#quran #nice
import socket hostname = "" ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) print ip print socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)Result
D:\PROJECTS\PYTHON\belajar\violent-python>python ('', [''], [''])#kantor #python #nice
root@newportalkanwil:~# mongo -u dataadmin -p GunungMerapi2012 --eval "var collection = 'bulk', persistResults=true, resultsDatabase='data_mentah'" /web/variety.js MongoDB shell version: 3.0.2 connecting to: Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer Version 1.5.0, released 14 May 2015 Using collection of "bulk" Using query of { } Using limit of 224060 Using maxDepth of 99 Using sort of { "_id" : -1 } Using outputFormat of "ascii" Using persistResults of true Using resultsDatabase of "data_mentah" Using resultsCollection of "bulkKeys" Using resultsUser of null Using resultsPass of null Using logKeysContinuously of false Using excludeSubkeys of [ ] Using arrayEscape of "XX" Using plugins of [ ] replacing results collection: bulkKeys +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | key | types | occurrences | percents | | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------- | | JENIS_DATA | String | 224060 | 100.000000000000000000 | | _id | ObjectId | 224060 | 100.000000000000000000 | | cab | String | 201642 | 89.994644291707572847 | | kpp | String | 201642 | 89.994644291707572847 | | npwp | String | 201642 | 89.994644291707572847 | | nama | String | 189952 | 84.777291796840131610 | | tahun | null (71428),String (117591) | 189019 | 84.360885477104346819 | | jum_fp | null (78461),Number (108335),String (2) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | kd_kwl | String | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | klu | null (1931),String (184867) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | kpp_skrg | String | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | nama_lawan | null (71428),String (115370) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | nm_klu | null (1931),String (184867) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | nm_kpp | String | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | nm_kwl | String | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | tot_dpp | null (78461),Number (108337) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | tot_ppn | null (78461),Number (108337) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | tot_ppnbm | null (78464),Number (108334) | 186798 | 83.369633133981963624 | | NPWP | String | 20292 | 9.056502722485047840 | | CAB | String | 20285 | 9.053378559314468887 | | KLU | String (20023),null (245) | 20268 | 9.045791305900205970 | | KPP | String | 20227 | 9.027492635901097628 | | kode_kanwil | String | 14844 | 6.625011157725609223 | | kode_kpp_adm | String | 14680 | 6.551816477729179411 | | KPP_ADM | String | 11845 | 5.286530393644559567 | | 1 | null | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | COUNT(NILAI) | Number | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | DETAIL | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | JENIS_WP | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | KATEGORI | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | KWL | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | NAMAWP | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | NAMA_ASSIGN_AR | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | NIP_ASSIGN_AR | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | NO_ANALISIS | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | NPWPT | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | OUTSTANDING (AKHIR-USUL) | String (9791),Number (700) | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | POTENSI_AKHIR | String (9791),Number (700) | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | POTENSI_USUL | null | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | SUM(NILAI) | null | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | THPJ | String | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | WK | String (10489),null (2) | 10491 | 4.682227974649647351 | | KODE_KANWIL | String | 9777 | 4.363563331250557731 | | NAMA_KANWIL | String | 9777 | 4.363563331250557731 | | NM_KLU | String (9532),null (245) | 9777 | 4.363563331250557731 | | ALAMAT_LAWAN | null (2186),String (6261) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | JMLBPOT | null (2416),Number (6031) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | KPP_SKRG | String | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | NAMA_KPP | String | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | NAMA_LAWAN | null (1888),String (6559) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | NAMA_PEMOTONG | String | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | TAHUN_PAJAK | null (1888),String (6559) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | TOT_DPP | null (2416),Number (6031) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | TOT_PPH | null (2416),Number (6031) | 8447 | 3.769972328840489162 | | est_hrg_kend_faktur | null (4084),Number (3074),String (27) | 7185 | 3.206730340087476705 | | nama_wp | String | 6215 | 2.773810586450057958 | | est_hrg_properti_sid | null (4447),Number (850) | 5297 | 2.364098902079800002 | | dpp | NumberLong (2221),Number (2548),String (4) | 4773 | 2.130232973310720368 | | nama_pembeli | String | 4773 | 2.130232973310720368 | | nama_penjual | String | 4773 | 2.130232973310720368 | | ppn | Number | 4773 | 2.130232973310720368 | | nilai_aset_njop_pbb | null (4594),String (36),Number (69) | 4699 | 2.097206105507453344 | | est_hrg_properti_faktur | null (2847),Number (1786) | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | est_njkb_kend_samsat | null (4504),Number (118),String (11) | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | jml_kapal_ikan | null (4604),String (27),Number (2) | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | nilai_obligasi | null | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | nilai_selisih_piutang_sahamVSmodal_utang_pengh | null | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | total_nilai_saham_ahu | NumberLong (733),null (3823),String (3),Number (74) | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | total_saham_ksei | null (3385),Number (1216),String (32) | 4633 | 2.067749709899134203 | | wp_tltd | String (2738),null (1010) | 3748 | 1.672766223333035818 | | faktur_pengganti | null (2545),String (7) | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | masa_pajak | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | no_seri_faktur | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | npwp_penjual | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | pembetulan | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | ppnbm | Number | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | tahun_pajak | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | tanggal_faktur | String | 2552 | 1.138980630188342502 | | alamat_wp | String | 2467 | 1.101044363117022140 | | bulan_pajak | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | cab_pemotong | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | jenis_transaksi | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | jml_lembar_saham_ksei | Number (2363),String (38) | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | kpp_pemotong | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | nama_pemotong | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | npwp_pemotong | String | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | thn_2012 | null (2361),Number (39),String (1) | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | thn_2013 | null (2392),Number (9) | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | thn_2014 | null (1939),Number (459),String (3) | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | thn_2015 | Number (1856),null (511),String (34) | 2401 | 1.071587967508702999 | | alamat | String | 2269 | 1.012675176292064716 | | est_hrg_properti_FP | Number | 2221 | 0.991252343122377977 | | jumlah_faktur | Number | 2221 | 0.991252343122377977 | | identitas_pengirim | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | jenis_data | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | jenis_dokumen | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | keterangan_sumber | String (2094),null (11) | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | kode_jns_dokumen | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | kode_sumber | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | kota_alamat | String (1652),null (453) | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | merk | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nama_kpp_adm | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nama_pengirim | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nama_sumber | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nilai_data | Number | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nomor_alket | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | nomor_dokumen | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | tahun_data | String | 2105 | 0.939480496295635126 | | KATEGORI_GUNGGUNG | null (473),String (857) | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | KD_KPP_ADM | String | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | KLU_2_DGT | String (1328),null (2) | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | NAMA | String | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | TAHUN | null (473),String (857) | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | TOT_DPP_GUNGGUNG | null (473),Number (857) | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | TOT_PENYERAHAN | null (473),Number (857) | 1330 | 0.593591002410068680 | | 2010 | null (1187),String (85) | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | 2011 | null (1171),String (101) | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | 2012 | null (1160),String (112) | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | 2013 | null (1153),String (119) | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | 2014 | String (855),null (417) | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | Cab | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | KPP_adm | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | Kode_Kanwil | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | NAMA PEMEGANG SAHAM | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | NAMA PERUSAHAAN | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | NO AKTA | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | NOTARIS | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | NPWP1 | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | Nilai Saham | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | TANGGAL AKTA | String | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | URUT | Number | 1272 | 0.567705078996697310 | | npwp_all | String | 885 | 0.394983486566098385 | | sts_jeniswp | String | 885 | 0.394983486566098385 | | 2015 | String (841),null (13) | 854 | 0.381147906810675730 | | 2016 | String (840),null (14) | 854 | 0.381147906810675730 | | Selisih | String | 854 | 0.381147906810675730 | | WP | String | 854 | 0.381147906810675730 | | alamat_agunan | String | 664 | 0.296349192180665910 | | bukti_milik | String | 664 | 0.296349192180665910 | | jenis_agunan | String | 664 | 0.296349192180665910 | | nama_debitur | String | 664 | 0.296349192180665910 | | pemilik_agunan | String | 664 | 0.296349192180665910 | | bahan_bakar | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | bbnpk | Number | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | cc | Number | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | est_njkb | Number | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | kabkot | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | kode_kpp | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | merek | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | nama_mfwp | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | nik | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | nopol | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | pkbpk | Number | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | provinsi | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | tbt | Number | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | tgl_bayar | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | tipe_kendaraan | String | 164 | 0.073194679996429535 | | alamat_objek_pajak | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | kanwil_domisili_sppt | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | kpp_domisili_sppt | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | luas_bangunan_m2 | Number | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | luas_bumi_m2 | Number | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | luas_sit_tanaman_rp | Number | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | luas_tanaman_m2 | Number | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | nama_kanwil_lokasi | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | nama_kpp_lokasi | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | njop_bangunan_rp | NumberLong | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | njop_bumi_rp | Number | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | nop_sppt_pbb_2014 | String | 66 | 0.029456395608319200 | | alamat_pemilik | String | 38 | 0.016959742926001962 | | gt | Number | 38 | 0.016959742926001962 | | nama_kapal | String | 38 | 0.016959742926001962 | | nama_pemilik | String | 38 | 0.016959742926001962 | | KDKWL | String | 24 | 0.010711416584843345 | | NAMA_WP | String | 24 | 0.010711416584843345 | | NMKPP | String | 24 | 0.010711416584843345 | | NMKWL | String | 24 | 0.010711416584843345 | | TOT_DPP_NPWP_000 | Number (17),String (7) | 24 | 0.010711416584843345 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
"In computing, Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) refers to a process in database usage and especially in data warehousing that performs: Data extraction – extracts data from homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources"Ane berkenalan dengan mainan ini setelah dapat softcopy dari Bu Nadia, kiriman dari KPP lain, lupa nama KPP nya, kebetulan isi disc-nya adalah #pentaho. Semakin kesini ane melihat pentaho terlalu kaya fitur, sampe ane bingung harus mulai dari mana, selain itu pentaho not free. Ane coba alternatif lain, dan sampailah kepada #talend, mirip dengan pentaho. Untuk talend, ane sudah berhasil membuat "job" dari database oracle ke excel, yang sebenarnya fitur ini sudah ada pada hampir semua Oracle Client Manager semacam Navicat dan yang lainnya. Selanjutnya ane mencoba membuat job yang menghasilkan diagram batang dari query oracle, dan #alhamdulillah berhasil, walaupun sebenarnya ini bisa dilakukan dengan :
1. query oracle dengan navicat 2. export hasilnya ke excel 3. bikin chart dengan excelTalend benar-benar membagi step-stepnya ke dalam block-block diagram, dari membuka koneksi hingga jadi excel. Jadi menurut ane talend ini semacam kumpulan modul kerja yang bisa disesuaikan dengan keperluan kerja, #nice bagi yang sudah terbiasa dengan software semacam ini. Jauh sebelum berkenalan dengan pentaho dan talend, ane pernah melihat software dengan banyak diagram semacam ini di komputer #mas_yuwan waktu sowan ke #tip tempo hari, ga tau apa nama softwarenya itu, tapi sepertinya itu ETL. Well, sampai sejauh ini ane tidak tau seberapa efektif penggunaannya untuk membantu kerja sehari-hari. Karena selama ini ane sudah terbiasa dengan #python.
اِنَّ الۡمُسۡلِمِیۡنَ وَ الۡمُسۡلِمٰتِ وَ الۡمُؤۡمِنِیۡنَ وَ الۡمُؤۡمِنٰتِ وَ الۡقٰنِتِیۡنَ وَ الۡقٰنِتٰتِ وَ الصّٰدِقِیۡنَ وَ الصّٰدِقٰتِ وَ الصّٰبِرِیۡنَ وَ الصّٰبِرٰتِ وَ الۡخٰشِعِیۡنَ وَ الۡخٰشِعٰتِ وَ الۡمُتَصَدِّقِیۡنَ وَ الۡمُتَصَدِّقٰتِ وَ الصَّآئِمِیۡنَ وَ الصّٰٓئِمٰتِ وَ الۡحٰفِظِیۡنَ فُرُوۡجَہُمۡ وَ الۡحٰفِظٰتِ وَ الذّٰکِرِیۡنَ اللّٰہَ کَثِیۡرًا وَّ الذّٰکِرٰتِ ۙ اَعَدَّ اللّٰہُ لَہُمۡ مَّغۡفِرَۃً وَّ اَجۡرًا عَظِیۡمًا ﴿۳۵﴾ Sesungguhnya laki-laki dan perempuan yang muslim, laki-laki dan perempuan yang mukmin, laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap dalam ketaatannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang benar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang sabar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang khusyu', laki-laki dan perempuan yang bersedekah, laki-laki dan perempuan yang berpuasa, laki-laki dan perempuan yang memelihara kehormatannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut (nama) Allah, Allah telah menyediakan untuk mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar. Al-Ahzab:35 #quran #nice
Selamat hati jadi buat Ibu Eka, Rahmi, Elisa dan Nasta semoga selalu sehat dan berkah - herman prianto - diikuti oleh follower [30/08 07:10] : Selamat Hari jadi buat Ibu Eka, Rahmi, Elisa dan Nasta semoga selalu sehat dan berkah copy dan edit: [30/08 07:14] : Selamat Hari jadi buat Ibu Eka, Rahmi, Elisa dan Nasta semoga selalu sehat, bahagia dan sejahtera follower berikutnya dengan sedikit edit: 👍👍👍 ruaaar biasa Pak Ghofir. Selamat Hari jadi buat Ibu Eka, Rahmi, Elisa dan Nasta semoga selalu sehat dan berkah Ucapan dari sahabat: Yaummul 🎂 Milad Bu Rahmi, Bu Eka, Mas Nasta & Mbak Elisa, barakallaah fi umurik 🙏 semoga senantiasa diberikan kesehatan, kebahagiaan, dan keberkahan hidup.. Aamiin😊 Pendek tapi orisinil: Selamat dan respon dari Bu Rahmi : Aamiin... terima kasih bapak2 n ibu2... semoga doa yg sama trkabul jg buat Bapak2 n ibu2 smua..#nice #kantor
<?php $mobil = array( "jalan" => function($nomor_sim){ if($nomor_sim){ return "Caaw !"; }else{ return "Anda tidak punya SIM !"; } }, "berhenti" => function(){ return "Matikan mesin ..."; } ); echo $mobil['jalan'](); // Anda tidak punya SIM echo $mobil['jalan']("SIM123"); // Caaw ! echo $mobil['berhenti'](); // Matikan mesin ... ?>#php #nice #enlightenment #script
func safehtml(text string) template.HTML { text = text + " " text = strings.Replace(text, "<", "<", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, ">", ">", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "dan ini yang memanggil", "", -1) regexPagar, _ := regexp.Compile(tagPattern) tags := regexPagar.FindAllString(text, -1) for _ , value := range tags { tagAscii := strings.Replace(value, "#", "#", 1) tagOnly := strings.Replace(value, "#", "", 1) text = strings.Replace(text, value, "" + tagAscii + "", 1) } return template.HTML(text) }", -1) text = strings.Replace(text, "", "
func WkListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { funcMap := template.FuncMap{ "safehtml": safehtml , } templates := template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(templatePath + "webkoe-base.html", templatePath + "webkoe-list.html")) var results []Blog err = MCol.Find(bson.M{}).Sort("-date").Limit(1000000000000).All(&results) if err != nil { panic(err) } // var finalResult []tagView // fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(results)) err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", results) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } }#script #webkoe #go #enlightenment #nice
- Bikin file .conf baru di /etc/init - Ketikkan perintahnya, misalnya service untuk server-gorilla # /etc/init/server-gorilla.conf start on filesystem or runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [06] script exec /go-app/webkoe/server-gorilla end script - lalu SAVE - untuk start service cukup dengan perintah "service server-gorilla start" - untuk stop servicenya "service server-gorilla stop"dengan upstrat memory lebih ringan, ketimbang menggunakan forever ... dan lagi upstart bisa melakukan exec sepuasnya, bahkan seperti contoh .conf diatas tadi, upstart menjalankan executable file ... #nice bukan ? #webkoe #script #enlightenment
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi :) ... I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:]) } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", handler) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) }