Play with pointnetwork, katanya sih web3 yang real, maksudnya pointnetwork ini mulai merealisasikan konsep web3 yang selama ini di gaungkan. Lets cekidot!
Untuk saat ini masih versi alpha, dan belum support mobile (android/ios). Namun untuk OS besar sudah mendukung, semacam windows, linux dan Mac.
Ok, dimulai dengan instalasi point ...
- proses instalasinya macam download repo git, namun dengan GUI windows, nice.
- Pilihan yang mau diinstall, tidak bisa dicustom. Jadilah instalasi ini meliputi, point browser, extension nya buat firefox, SDK, Node (waw, langsung berpartisipasi sebagai node, WoW) dan uninstallernya.
- Sudah mencoba beberapa app demonya, ada Blog, Social, Email, dan Wallet.
- Blog, social, dan email bekerja dengan semestinya. Yang menarik adalah email, apakah masih menggunakan protokol IMAP atau sejenisnya? wkwkwkwk... sepertinya tidak perlu.
Sempat chit chat langsung sama CEO nya, Serge, lewat telegram:
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM]
Hello,... how can i build some app?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM]
maybe something like todo.point 🤩
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM]
actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM]
Hello,... how can i build some app?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM]
maybe something like todo.point 🤩
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM]
actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM]
You can try going through
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM]
@jensendarren can help if you hit some roadblocks. But we’re working on a better UI where you won’t have to go through that many steps
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM]
Should be up soon
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:53 PM]
Mmm... what make point different compare to tor ?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:54 PM]
i just feel in tor ecosystem
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:55 PM]
They have different use cases. You can run Point Network through Tor for maximum anonymity
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:56 PM]
Tor Browser allows you to browse normal websites anonymously, + .onion websites where you still have to run a server somewhere, and users have to trust that server with passwords etc.
Point Browser allows you to have websites and dApps on web3, without having to run centralized servers for that
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:58 PM]
WoW,... so this is really peer to peer network ?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:59 PM]
So,... this is an enhanced version of torrent ? 😱
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:02 PM]
In torrents people seed files altruistically. Nobody will serve your cat pictures on decentralized facebook altruistically though. So if you go offline, your content goes offline. Same with things like IPFS
On Point Network, your stuff is uploaded to decentralized storage, where a small amount of POINT tokens is taken to the blockchain, and the blockchain keeps paying decentralized storage miners to always have your and everybody else’s content online and uncensored (we use Arweave network for that)
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:04 PM]
So,... Arweave network like a pool ?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:44 PM]
Hello,... how can i build some app?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:45 PM]
maybe something like todo.point 🤩
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM]
actually i'm not interesting about earn stuff,... token etc., i am very excited with web 3
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:47 PM]
You can try going through
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM]
@jensendarren can help if you hit some roadblocks. But we’re working on a better UI where you won’t have to go through that many steps
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:48 PM]
Should be up soon
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:53 PM]
Mmm... what make point different compare to tor ?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:54 PM]
i just feel in tor ecosystem
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:55 PM]
They have different use cases. You can run Point Network through Tor for maximum anonymity
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 10:56 PM]
Tor Browser allows you to browse normal websites anonymously, + .onion websites where you still have to run a server somewhere, and users have to trust that server with passwords etc.
Point Browser allows you to have websites and dApps on web3, without having to run centralized servers for that
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:58 PM]
WoW,... so this is really peer to peer network ?
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 10:59 PM]
So,... this is an enhanced version of torrent ? 😱
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:02 PM]
In torrents people seed files altruistically. Nobody will serve your cat pictures on decentralized facebook altruistically though. So if you go offline, your content goes offline. Same with things like IPFS
On Point Network, your stuff is uploaded to decentralized storage, where a small amount of POINT tokens is taken to the blockchain, and the blockchain keeps paying decentralized storage miners to always have your and everybody else’s content online and uncensored (we use Arweave network for that)
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:04 PM]
So,... Arweave network like a pool ?
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:06 PM]
[In reply to Luqman Baihaqi]
It’s thousands of computers around the world right now that are keeping Point Network’s content online. Even if half the network goes offline or censored and shut down, the other half will continue
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:06 PM]
This is only one component that we tie together in Point Network, storage. It has several other parts. I recommend starting from the website and maybe the whitepaper if it’s not too complicated
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:10 PM]
[In reply to Serge | I will never DM you first]
thanks serge, sorry for my silly question .... ☺️🙏🏽
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:10 PM]
Good questions, no worries
Bharat, [6/8/2022 11:14 PM]
[In reply to Serge | I will never DM you first]
I recommend the white paper. Takes a few days and a few readings but once you get that a-ha moment . You realise what this is
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:29 PM]
i try to look in depth with this new guy,sir .... Arweave
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:31 PM]
i just thinking, why blockchain can't handle storage yet.... 😬
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:32 PM]
so this guy, Arweave,... come to point
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:33 PM]
It’s not a guy 🙂
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:34 PM]
✌🏽sorry serge
Yzcozy, [6/8/2022 11:34 PM]
[In reply to Point Network]
Maybe this interview can help with more information @loubatt
Luqman Baihaqi, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM]
[In reply to Yzcozy]
yes,... i've been watching it 😬
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM]
we’ve got a similar question here
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:35 PM]
[ Photo ]
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:36 PM]
[ Photo ]
Serge | I will never DM you first, [6/8/2022 11:36 PM]
[In reply to Luqman Baihaqi]
exactly the same response., pages 10-11
So, begitulah, ternyata mereka menggunakan storage nya pihak ke tiga, called "Arweave Network". Disebutkan di whitepapernya, dan mereka berpendapat storagenya fully decentralized.