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The University of Mannheim

One of the leading research institutions in Germany

The University of Mannheim is one of the leading research institutions in Germany. This has been confirmed by numerous rankings, awards, by surveys among employers and by the German Excellence Initiative. The Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) has been funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research since the beginning in 2007. 

The University's profile is shaped by its unique blend of renowned Economic and Social Sciences that are linked to excellent Humanities, Law, Mathematics and Informatics in a number of interdisciplinary programs and research projects. The schools and research institutions of the University closely collaborate with numerous national and international partners such as the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) or the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). In Economic and Social Sciences, the University of Mannheim has been ranking among the top 20 research institutions in Europe for many years.

The University of Mannheim offers various bachelor's and master's programs as well as programs that culminate with a state examination. Among those are unique interdisciplinary programs such as Culture and Economy or Mannheim Business Law. The Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences and the Graduate Program "Formations of the Global" have internationally recognized doctoral programs. Within the Mannheim Business School (MBS) the University focuses on the education of future executives. The MBA programs of the Mannheim Business School rank among the top 25 worldwide.

The University of Mannheim is committed to train responsible leaders. The University encourages students who involve themselves in non-profit projects, just as well the numerous researchers who advise policy makers in national and international advisory bodies.

Moreover, the University of Mannheim has one of the most diverse scholarship programs in Germany and cooperates with a large network of partners and donors. Currently, the University awards more than 200 scholarships per year. Among those are the Deutschland Scholarship, the Mannheim Sports Scholarship and the Votum Scholarship. 

*** hasil OCR dengan tesseract
The University at Mannhe In
one ol the leaarng research rnsmnnons ln Gemny

me unwersry olMannnerm rs one ollne leagmg vesezvm rnsrnuaons In eennany 1hls nas been conimreg by numerous
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arm Socral Sclerwes (sEsslnas been ungeg by me Excellence lnmaawe ollne German regeral MlnISTry ol Egurauon ang
Researm snoe me begrnnrng In 2001

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Europe or many years

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Imemzannzl agnspry bogres

Moreover me unwersry olMannnerm nas one ollne mos1 grwerse smolarsrnp programs In eennany ang cooperates mm a
large neMnrk olpamers ang gonors cunenllyr me unlvemly arrrargs more man 200 smolarsrnps per year mung mose
are me neumlang smolarsrnpr me Mannnerm axons smolarsrnp ang me mum smolarsrnp
#tesseract #ocr
Thu, 16 Mar 2017 8:07 am
Link installer tesseract-ocr, belum nyoba. Tesseract adalah library/tools untuk ocr image. OCR biasanya digunakan untuk mengambil text dari gambar/image.http://bit.ly/2mKAbVS. #ocr #tesseract #tools